Emmi's Bad Company 2 stats

Colonel Archon

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bad Company. You wish.

  All right.  I've got to come out with this.  I can't stand the pressure on my chest, the monkey on my back....

  I've just played Battlefield Bad Company 2, and I am about to make the most dangerous comment around.  It might, possibly, maybe, be the best game I've ever played.  Ever.

  The graphics are brilliant.  Just a few days ago I said how graphics have hit a brick wall.  I'll tell you this much, they're definitely digging their way out now.  For example, during the first mission you're on a truck, chased by quad bikes and other trucks.  Your assault rifle has a grenade launcher add on (see where I'm going with this?).  If the grenade detonates under the quad bike, the whole thing gets thrown into the air.  Realistically. The characters seem real because of the way they act, the way they interact not only with you, but with each other...

  Hell, I'm drooling already.  So far, and I'm in the middle of the fourth mission, I have to say that it is very good, perhaps even brilliant.  One small criticism I have is about the lack of night-vision gadgets, or at least a torch.  But otherwise, I think it's better than Modern Warfare 2.  Now I shall bar my door, and hope CoD fans don't come pouring in through the window, I Am Legend style.............

1 comment:

  1. play bioshock, then transfer that best game ever statement to that :P

    but in all seriousness, cod is dead, activision have oficially fucked cod up, it could have been better, but the bigwigs at activision held IW back to minimize production cost, i see ea becoming an incredibly good dev recently though....
